
Wow. A long time since the last update. I'm sure the wait will be worth it though :)


P.S I like -->

P.S.P.S I'm trying something new for those who don't read updates. Ctrl-f "Tl;dr" and read that instead lazy bones.


[+] General Changes

- Upgrade gem can now be actively traded in the Grand exchange without needing one to find it
- Edited the ;;donationinfo command to redirect to the Discord info thread which is more up-to-date
- Edited the ;;rules command to redirect to the Discord rules thread which is more up-to-date
- Scripture of Bik casket proc chance for Grandmasters buffed from 12.5% 
--> 15%
- Examining an item in your inventory will now show the recommended/average Grand exchange price
- Examining an item in your bank will now show the High alch value
- Updated ;;events to only show the events that are active
- Buffed Clue scroll completion rewards from Achievements to give more caskets
- Buffed the % chance to receive a Master clue from ;;comb from 75%
--> 85%
- Added an option at Zaida at ;;shops to convert noted fortunate items
- All players will now get 3 complimentary Reaper portal uses per day, which will teleport you directly to your current Reaper task
- Added combat level requirements to Reaper tasks, you will not be assigned tasks higher than your current combat level, these are 1:1 rs3
- Wen arrows activation chance buffed from 75% 
--> 100%
- Nest crush action from the Miscellaneous npc at ;;shops will now crush all crushable items instead of just nests
- Added a ;;premierclub command for a link to the Premier Club discord info channel
- Added Cosmic, Astral and Nature runes to the Magic rune shop
- Added a confirmation dialogue to the Crystal key (g) creation
- Added a Rare mystery box counter separate to the Mystery box counter (it will be 0 on restart)
- Edited the Elite dungeons drop colour
- Added Archaeology skilling contracts to Restore and Excavate artfecats
- Divine location cap now goes off Virtual level and no longer caps at 250 charges (Divine locations are underwhelming, I'd like them to be relevant)
- Spirit attraction potion effect now also auto claims random skilling events like Grandmaster
- Added scaling for Silverhawk charges for donor ranks: Grandmaster: 5000, Master: 2500, Diamond: 1500, Platinum: 1250, Everyone else: 1000
- Added a ;;inventionperks/;;weaponperks/;;toolperks for Invention perk discord guide
- Having Medium combat achievements completed will now tell you on entry to Barrows which brother has the hidden entrance
- Added 'Load last preset' bank to Nex lobby
- Crystal tree blossoms will now double with Double resources events
- Updated the Treasure Goblin description for charms being increased by 25%
- Updated the Task Tab drop rate bonuses calculation
- Boosted the Master clue scroll rate from Clue boxes for Grandmaster members
- Boosted the amount of Gorajan puzzle skips per day for Grandmaster (3) and Master (2) members
- Added killcount examine for Baby soulgazer
- You can now purchase permanent Skilling contract boosts for 50,000 tickets (half tasks) and 25,000 tickets (extra experience)
- Added a login message that reminds you if you have pending items in your Invention machines
- Buffed items processed per hour at the invention machines (percentage increase on base rate of the machine):
Gold member:
5%  --> 50%, Platinum member: 10%  --> 75%, Diamond member: 12.5%  --> 75%, Master member: 15%  --> 100%, Grandmaster member: 50%  --> 150%
- Added a command that allows Admins type ;;giveaway in discord and it will pick a random non-afk player and give them a reward from the following pool: Bond, 10 Dollars, 50m, 100m, 250m, 25 TH keys and an event token. This player can also roll a 1/1000 chance of a Christmas cracker which would replace the reward.
- Vote books now send money directly to your Coin pouch rather than in the form of Black coins
- Jar of Divine Light will now automatically consume if a HCIM dies with one in their bank
- Edited the "Sheldon begins to scan" and "Sheldon stops scanning" messages to be pop ups rather than dialogue boxes
- Nerfed Scroll of life activation chance from 10% 
--> 5%
- Added 'Load last preset' bank to the Telos waiting area
- Surge, Escape, Bladed dive, Dive and Barge have been reworked
- Bladed dive was detrimentally bugged and the implementation of "Weapon Optional" tree perk unfortunately made Bladed dive using magic/ranged weapons extremely strong, which was not intended and we only realised approximately a week ago
- We've landed on a compromise which maintains Bladed dive being a good aoe clear for magic and ranged, but hard caps at 9x9 instead of the 15x15 and 20x20 as it was before, as this was extremely unbalanced
- Lowered the auto-kick time if your account is stuck logged in to 30 seconds instead of 60 seconds
- Buffed the gather rate of Croesus front Hunter and Mining
- Enabling a special attack will now pop up with a spec buff on the buff bar notifying you that your next queued attack will be a special attack
- Edited the Trivia answers for maximum total level and maximum virtual level to 2921/3391 respectively (Necromancy can't be trained but still gives +1 total level as well as 110 mining/smithing)



[+] 936 Revision

- 936 is here! The difference between 926 and 936 is huge! There is so much more content added of which some has been added in this update!
- Our previous revision locked us to content releasing just before the end of 2022. We now have all content up to August 2024! That's almost 2 years of content available for us to add :)
- Highlights including: Sanctum of Rebirth, Necromancy, Necromancy bosses including: Osseous, Vorkath, Hermod, Raisal, 110 Mining and Smithing, Fort Forinthy, Aurora dyes, Soul dye, Garden of Kharid and a disgusting amount more that will inevitably cause us stress picking between
- New client background!


- There'll be lots of subtle changes that you will notice while playing, too many to specifically mention all of them
- But overall the 936 upgrade is huge for us! Once again massive props to Armar for continuing to be a pioneer in this area

[+] Money Pouches

- An enormous change that has come with 936 is that now Money pouches are (basically) unlimited! 
- Instead of being capped at 2,147,483,647gp, you can now store up to: 2,147,483,649,147,483,647gp which is 2.1 quintillion, or 2q
- The new letters will be K (thousand), M (million 1000K), B (billion, 1000M), T (trillion, 1000B), Q (quadrillion, 1000T)
- While the letters won't state it, quintillion is 1000Q, and doesn't have it's own letter, upon reaching the maximum coins, you will see this:


- I doubt anyone will get to this amount, but still
- Here's all of them in action:


- You will still only be able to store max cash (2,147,483,647gp) in your inventory and bank
- But this also applies to the Grand Exchange and Trade!
- You can now buy and sell items up to 2.1 quintillion in the Grand Exchange:



- Now with 80 slots and the ability to sell items over Max cash, we're hoping to see Grand exchange get a lot more use!
- This also applies to trading!


- Hope this massive quality of life change helps :)


[+] 936 Mobile Client

- I personally don't have an android, but we have had Kaiser testing out the 936 beta on the Mobile Client and providing a lot of input
- He's claimed there's a lot of improvements! I'd take his word for it... 
- Anyway, here's how it now looks on 936 (picture this but scaled down to a phone k)







- We wanted to have some content to show off when we released 936, it would be underwhelming otherwise, right?
- Anyway, here you go:


[+] Sanctum of Rebirth

- The Sanctum of Rebirth is a dungeon comprising of 3 bosses, Vermyx, Brood Mother, Kezalam, the Wanderer and Nakatra, Devourer Eternal


- You can get to Sanctum of Rebirth through the Beasts interface and selecting any of the above bosses and pressing teleport:


- Or simply attuning a boss portal to Sanctum of Rebirth!
- Fortunately, there are no mobs between each boss, it's just pure bossing!
- However, you must beat the boss to move on to the next one, your progress will save! When defeating Nakatra the dungeon progress will reset
- There is a Reaper task for Sanctum (Nakatra, Devourer Eternal), each task will consist of 2-3 kills and will reward 20-35 Reaper points, this task requires a Combat level of 128 to receive
- The first boss is Vermyx, Brood Mother!


- After dealing with Vermyx, you can proceed to Kezalam, the Wanderer:


- Up next:



- And finally, Nakatra, Devourer Eternal:


[+] Boss Mechanics

- As you enter the Sanctum of Rebirth, you will have to select Normal mode or Hardmode, this applies for all bosses in the instance and will vary their abilities and strength as well as the drops you receive
- I will first explain the normal mode mechanics and then explain how hardmode differs
- On all bosses, I'd recommend using Magic with Blood barrage to learn, once you get the mechanics down you might be able to try use Melee or Ranged
- Apologies for the poor video quality, when the forums are purged and killed I will be able to upload longer videos/clips with higher quality

[+] Vermyx, Brood Mother


- Vermyx has a number of attacks, this dungeon introduced a new boss mechanic called telegraphing, which basically will show you the countdown of a damaging ability through a floor graphic.
- This boss mechanic is present with all 3 Sanctum of Rebirth bosses
- Vermyx's auto attacks deal ranged damage, you can probably get away with using Soulsplit, but if you find yourself struggling, Vampyrism + Protect range should do the trick
- Every 3 auto attacks Vermyx will cast a random ability, you can see how many attacks she has made by the yellow bar underneath her health bar:

image.png (2/3)

- Similarly to all recent bosses, voice lines/overhead text will give away what the next ability will be:

Text: "Snaaaarl!"
Ability: Moonstone Shard: An easy to dodge floor telegraphed ability, similar to the Nex shadow trap attack


Text: No text
Ability: Wyrmfire: Vermyx or her Coilspawn will target the area in front of them doing a large telegraphed ability dealing deadly damage


Text: "Craaaaa!"
Ability: Coilspawn: Coilspawn will emerge from the open tunnels similarly attacking and providing a damage boost to Vermyx's attacks, you can kill them if you want, but best to focus damage on Vermyx until phase transitions


Text: "Rarghh!"
Ability: Soul Rush: Upon reaching 75,000 health and 50,000 Vermyx will become immune, fleeing into her tunnel, you must head to the west then east and redirect the power, redirecting three will bring her back out



Text: "Kreeee!"
Ability: Soul Bomb: Vermyx will fire a 3x3 bomb at you dealing large amounts of damage if hit


Text: "Heaall!"
Ability: Scarab Healer: Vermyx will spawn a scarab to slowly walk towards her, this scarab is immune to damage unless you stun it, if it reaches Vermyx it'll channel and then heal 12.5k health at the end


- There is an attack rotation, but I'm not going to detail a guide here, just explaining what she can do, Alex will be releasing a guide if you need it so look out for that

Vermyx, Brood Mother Hardmode Differences:

- +50% hitpoints on everything
- All four coilspawn will immediately spawn and immediately respawn if killed
- Vermyx will cast abilities every 3 autos instead of every 4 and will attack 1 tick quicker
Moonstone shards will spawn 3 instead of just 1 and will hit quicker
Wyrmfire will give you less time to react before dealing damage
Soul Rush markers will appear quicker and land quicker
Scarab Healer heals Vermyx quicker

[+] Kezalam, the Wanderer


- Kezalam is the second boss in the Sanctum of Rebirth, loosely giving the appearance of Hunleff (we won't bring that up though)
- Similarly, Kezalam has a lot of attacks which I can't wait to write for you all :)
- Kezalam uses Magic, but like Jad, will use Melee if you get too close
- Similarly to Vermyx, Kezalam has an adrenaline bar that fills up per auto attack, each attack fills it 25% and at 100% she will fire a special attack:


- The special attacks:

Text: "Dhaaarken!"
Ability: Sanctum Blast: A scattered blast of attacks across a 7x7 grid with gaps between the tiles


Text: "Graaah"
Ability: Sanctum Blast: A large 10x10 grid directly on the boss if someone is within 2 tiles


Text: "Kyaaa"
Ability: Sanctum Blast: A large 7x7 grid if you're within 3-6 tiles of the boss


Text: "Hrrrr"
Ability: Sanctum Blast: Small 5x5 grids away from the boss if you're more than 6 tiles away


Text: "Paiiin"
Ability: Line: Single 3x3 grids in a column or row on the player, extremely quick attack


Text: None
Ability: Moonstone Prison + Soul Bomb: Kezalam will dutch split squat and then lock you in prison and fire a bomb at you


Text: None
Ability: Unstable Scarabs: Kezalam will summon two scarab akhs, similarly to Vermyx, these scarabs must be stunned or they will deal large aoe damage


Text: None
Ability: Moonstone Obelisks: At the phase markers you must switch focus to the moonstone obelisks or you in trouble


- Once again there is an attack rotation, but I'm not going to detail a guide here

Kezalam, the Wanderer Hardmode Differences:

- +50% hitpoints on everything
- Kazalam will attack 1 tick quicker
Sanctum Blasts will deal damage quicker and occur twice in a row
Soul Bomb will no longer destroy the moonstone shards if you fail to escape
- Unstable Scarabs will fill their bar quicker

[+] Nakatra, Devourer Eternal


- Nakatra is the final boss in the Sanctum of Rebirth, loosely giving similar vibes of the TOA final boss (we also won't bring that up though)
- Nakatra has a shitload of abilities, yahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- Nakatra uses both magic and ranged attacks, using the same style before switching after a certain attack, similarly to Hunleff in The Gauntlet
- Similarly to the first two bosses, Nakatra has an adrenaline bar that fills with each auto attack, in the 1st and 2nd phase this fills after 3 auto attacks, in the 4th phase it will fill up after 7 (phase 3 has no auto attacks but fills periodically)
- Mechanics:

Phases 1 and 2

Text: "The soulfire erases all."
Ability: Soulfire Waves: Varying sizes of waves that travel down the length of the arena in a line


Text: "Prepare for death...", "Be obliterated!
Ability: Obliterate: A single hitting magic attack that deals devastating amounts of damage


Text: None
Ability: Summon Scarabs: Summons a corrupted scarab healer and a volatile scarab akh, doing the same as the last two bosses, stun them or perish


Text: "Feel the power beneath your feet!"
Ability: Soulfire Waves: Will fill a majority of the arena with telegraphed attacks, you can see which spots will be safe by looking at the wall Hieroglyphs


Text: "The Sanctum will protect me while I grow stronger."
Ability: Summon Nefthys: Spawns two NPCs that slowly channel an ability that buffs Nakatra's damage, they will take minimal damage unless you are right next to them


Text: "Face her!"
Ability: Shadowsands Devour: Teleports you to the Shadowsands where something tries to eat your soul, Gorilla akhs will damage you, two hieroglyphs will appear in front of the guy tryna eat you, note this down. Click the Soul storm and kill the feline akhs, then claim the soul fragments and escape



Text: "HOW?"
Ability: Hieroglyphs Go Fish (I named this one): Go and stand on the one hieroglyph that didn't appear in front of the avatar


Text: "You cannot stop me!"
Ability: Sanctum Shockwave: Nakatra will perform a burst attack which slowly earthquakes out of the middle


Nakatra, Devourer Eternal Hardmode Differences:

- +50% hitpoints on everything
- Begins the fight with more damage stacks and also receives stacks twice as quickly
Soulfire Waves will deal damage quicker and both will occur one after the other
Obliterate will hit 3 times similarly to AG ice cannon
- Scarabs will fill their bar quicker
Nefthys are healed more hitpoints the longer they remain
Hieroglyph amount is increased, 4 in Shadowsands and 5 in the Sanctum


- It all must be for something, right??? RIGHT????

[+] Sanctum of Rebirth Rewards

- There is obviously a lot of miscellaneous loot, I don't think I really need to go over those, you can check the wiki for more information on common/uncommon loot
- In general, there is a 30% cap on drop rate within the Sanctum, this is negated with the Drop Rate Cap removal event
- Drop rate is simple! 1/200 to roll non-weapons (1/120 in hardmode) and 1/150 to roll weapons (1/80 in hardmode)
- When you get a rare drop, your body will glow like so:


- But there's lots of good loot:

[+] Scripture of Amascut


- As with all new content, a new Scripture! 
- Scripture of Amascut will have a chance to summon Devourer's Contagion which increases your base damage by 10% and applies 30% ability damage every 2 ticks for 10 ticks:


[+] Divine Rage Prayer Codex
Divine Rage prayer codex.png: RS3 Inventory image of Divine Rage prayer codex

- Divine Rage is a regular prayer that increases all combat stats at once, perfect for hybridding (but not many usages outside of that (if even that))
- That being said, it can be used alongside other damage/accuracy boosting prayers like Piety, Augury and Rigour:



[+] Roar of Awakening and Ode to Deceit


- These Magic dual wield weapons drop from Nakatra, Devourer Eternal
- They're T95 and have an interesting Set bonus!


- For wearing one of the two pieces, you increase the amount of bleed hits from the special attack: Soulfire to 3-5 instead of 2-4 (if used with EoF)
Essence of Finality will require both the Roar of Awakening and Ode to Deceit to harness the Soulfire special attack
- If you have two of two, you will increase your Magic damage by 5%
- Here's an example of the Soulfire damage with the dual wield vs with EoF:

Dual Wield


Essence of Finality


- I'd say the special attack is similar to Dragon claws but for Magic, paired with bis (almost) you can do quite a lot with it:


- Both of these items will Sacrifice for 2,000 points

[+] Shard of Genesis Essence

- Shard of Genesis Essence is a consumable item that drops from Nakatra, Devourer Eternal!
- They can be used to enchant T95 equipment to upgrade them to T100
- Here are the examples:






- Shard of Genesis Essence will sacrifice for 3,000 points

[+] Neffie

- Nakatra's pet: Neffie:


[+] Soul and Aurora Dyes

- New with this revision is the Soul and the Aurora dyes
- I'll preview some equipment with the dyes and then explain what the situation is:

Aurora Lengs




Soul Scythe


Aurora Bow of the Last Guardian


Soul/Aurora Ek-Zekkil


- Now, how to get these dyes? 
- We're going to try something new, as I really want Sanctum of Rebirth to be extremely exciting!
- Upon release, there will be five Soul and Aurora dyes available from Sanctum of Rebirth
- That's it, only five Soul dyes and five Aurora dyes, they will drop from either Normal mode or Hardmode at a 1/1000 chance, drop rate does not impact this chance
- Soul/Aurora dyed items will multiply the existing sacrifice value of the item they're on by 1.4x

Don't worry! These dyes will have a permanent farmable spot that is already planned in future content.

But until then, these 10 dyes will be the only ones of their kind.

Good luck.



[+] 110 Mining and Smithing

- Similarly to Herblore, Slayer, Farming, Invention, Archaeology and Dungeoneering, Mining and Smithing are now skills that can be trained past level 99
- These skills will now max out at level 110 (and then virtual levels will take you to 120)
- There's some new content that comes with 110 Mining; A bunch of new ores, some armour, weaponry and a new best in slot pickaxe!
- You can use Primal stone spirits along with all of the ores to receive 2 instead of 1 ore, these drop from: Raptor's chest, Kerapac, Trisk keys, Metamorphic geodes, Nex: AoD, Edimmu, Raksha, Kal'gerion demons, Solak, RDT and Soulgazers
- You can also now create a Primal ore box! Which will store all ores including the new ones
- Here are the new ores:





















- As you can see they all have the same Level requirement, Hitpoints, Hardness and XP multiplier
- However, you won't get their respective bars, instead, you'll be combining all of the ore into Primal bars, 5 of them for 1 of each ore:


- With these bars you can smith Primal equipment, which starts at the armour levels of T85 equipment:


- And can be upgraded to +5 for T90 armour:



- There is also a Primal 2h Sword which follows a similar scaling pattern with the Ek-Zekkil (the current bis 2h sword) as comparison:


- On top of this, there is a new new 2h sword called the Masterwork 2h sword!
- You can create this with a similarly gruelling process as the Masterwork armour:


- The result of which being a 2h sword of Ataraxia:


- It's useless on the main game but might have a niche use here (it is augmentable)
- With Primal bars you can also now create the best in slot pickaxes! Either the Primal pickaxe +5:


- Or the Pickaxe of Life and Death, through quite a length process that I'm keen to explain and write about!
- Firstly, go to the Ice Mountain and locate Ramarno in his forge area:


- Ask him for an Ensouled moonstone:


- Filling up this Moonstone is required for the pickaxe!
- You will need to mine ores with all of these stone spirits while using a Pickaxe of Earth and Song:

image (1).png

- This will then give you a Spirit Moonstone, which you'll then need to attune by mining all of these ores with a Pickaxe of Earth and Song:

image (2).png

- Once you've done this, you can find this slab at Dungeoneering:


- After a little bit of Mining, you'll receive the Mysterious black stone fragment
- The final piece of the puzzle, the Metallic meteorite fragment can be rarely received from mining shooting stars (this is processed on mining action rather than stardust handed in)
- Afterwhich, you can then take everything back to Ramarno, who by this point is about 240 years old and receive the Pickaxe of Life and Death:



- And best of all, without question, potentially from the entire update, the Smithing make-x slider, what a thing of beauty:



[+] Halloween Event

- As we've been chockablock with the 936 update, we completely (I completely) forgot about the Halloween event automatically enabling in October!
- This has led to 2023 Hween tokens being distributed when it's 2024! This has been corrected.
- There are a few different things going on this Halloween on Ataraxia!
- Firstly, playing the game, completing activities etc will give you 2024 Halloween Tokens, which can be spent in the following store:


- Most of it is just cosmetic, however, making a return this year is the titles:



- And the limited edition Cremation and Herb burning codexes:

[+] Cremation

- Using the Lava crater at the Donator zone, with the Cremation ability unlocked, you can now incinerate any bones to receive Firemaking and Prayer experience:


- This is the best possible way to use your Bones for Prayer experience.
- All bones provide slightly higher experience than the Chaos altar and as an added bonus you gain a large amount of Firemaking experience

[+] Herb Burning

- Using the Herb burner at the Donator zone, with the Herb burning ability unlocked, you can now burn any clean herbs to receive Firemaking and Herblore experience:


- This is an excellent way to train Herblore if you don't want to make any potions or have some left over herbs that aren't usable for any relevant potions..!

[+] Unstable Rift

- To start the event, type ;;hween, before I explain it myself, it's mirrored from the 2018 RS3 event:'en_event
- You can talk to Death to receive a tutorial!
- To simplify, you must stabilise the 5 pillars surrounding the Chaotic rift, this will grant you either: Crafting, Divination, Invention, Magic, Runecrafting, Prayer, Smithing or Summoning experience, if you switch between Pillars you will receive more experience, the experience gained also scales with your level
- You can tell the progress of the stabilisation from the particles surrounding the pillars, once fully stabilised it will be glowing at the top of the pillar, encouraging you to stabilise the others:


- Once all pillars are stabilised, you can enter the Warped chamber which will contain urns, you can break these to receive Halloween Tokens & rewards from this table:
- Following this, the pillars will go on cooldown until they reset 4 hours after they spawned, in which they'll all rotate with the same skills on different pillars

[+] Grim Harvest

- Grim Harvest is the Halloween Treasure Hunter promotion, it will be enabled from the 23rd to the 31st of October!
- Similarly to Santa's grotto, each key builds towards a bonus:



- You can also receive the Halloween Oddments or 'H'oddments' during the Treasure Hunter promotion which can be spent in the following store for limited time cosmetic items, animations and pets:



[+] Poison Changes

- Poison damage has been reworked!
- In order to have differing strategies and paths you can go down on your way to bis setups, poison has been changed
- Poison damage edits:

Min Damage: 0.05 + (0.02 x poison tier)  --> 0.0325 + (0.0975 x poison tier)
Max Damage: 0.018 + (0.06 x poison tier) 
--> 0.065 + (0.195 x poison tier)

- Total poison time: 300 ticks --> 150 ticks
- Poison hit time: 17 ticks 
--> 9 ticks
- This loosely means that poison will expire twice as quickly but hit twice as quickly, making it more impactful on shorter fights
- Having a Poison tier >= 6 will make your poison hit every 5 ticks instead of 9
- Poison tiers have been simplified/improved, poison bomb will now add 1 tier of poison, poison bomb with Animal whisperer will add 2 tiers of poison, Cinderbanes will add 2 tiers of poison
- Cinderbanes will also add 50 ticks of poison onto the existing poison on the target
- Evolving toxin is unchanged

Example use (Enchanted hhb, cinderbanes and Bik arrows):



[+] Hardcore Realist

- Hardcore Realist is here! A gamemode intended to test the best!
- There's a lot of information to cover, but if you want to skip all of the fineprint and just cut to the chase, you can check out the following Discord channels for all things Hardcore Realist:

Hardcore Realist News:

Hardcore Realist Info:

- I will be explaining it all here anyway though. This is probably the biggest solo project I've personally taken on since learning to code through Ataraxia and I'm quite proud of it!
- Hardcore Realist is a 1x experience rate Hardcore ironman mode with various other restrictions



- Lamps and Prismatic stars are disabled (this excludes Dragonkin lamps)
- Treasure Hunter is disabled
- You will not gain bonus experience from Goodwill
You will not gain double experience tomes from Voting
- You can't be transferred damage/drop boost books
- You can't fight bosses with other people
- You can't Dungeoneer with other people
- You can't complete Elite dungeons with other people
- You can't complete co-op Skilling contracts
You can't complete co-op Slayer tasks
- You can't join group Evil tree instances
- You can't use other people's Divine locations
- Books of Knowledge from Vote parties will be automatically converted to Coins
- You can't utilise GWD/EDS Booster tokens
- You can't open Event mystery boxes
- You can't purchase Lamps from Penguin H&S rewards/Skilling Contract rewards


You gain 30% drop rate at all times
- You automatically unlock the Solo Adventurer donor perk effect
- Your augmented equipment drains 25% slower (like all ironmen)
- You receive more materials from Archaeology material boxes (like all ironmen)
- You will receive Herb boxes from 1/100 npc drops (stacks with herbivore) (like all ironmen)
- You will receive Secondaries boxes from 1/100 npc drops (like all ironmen and all gold donators)


- You will have the same lives as a Hardcore ironman, you can purchase them from Mr. Ex at: 1,000 Total level - 10m, 1,600 Total level - 100m and 2,750 Total level - 200m
Having a life or 'Jar of Divine light' in your bank will automatically consume when you die, reviving your status instantly and maintaining your account
- If you die with no lives there are two different paths:

Donor Total is over $0: Your account is instantly jailed and locked until you choose an account to transfer your donor total to (for free), after doing so your account will be permanently banned.

Donor Total is $0: Your account is instantly banned.


- Dying with a Total level of over 250 will post a world announcement of your death, this happens with or without a Jar of Divine light and the message varies depending on how many lives you have

- It's been a while since we've had a new gamemode! Therefore, the release of Hardcore Realist will bring lots of release competitions!
- These are the competitions, however, you can find more information in the 
Hardcore Realist Info discord channel linked above:

Event: First to level 99 in each skill
Reward: 25 Ataraxia dollars (meaning a total allocation of $700)

Event: First to level 120 in each skill
Reward: 50 Ataraxia dollars (meaning a total allocation of $1400)

Event: First to 200m experience in each skill
Reward: 50 Ataraxia dollars (meaning a total allocation of $1400)

Event: First to receive a Skilling pet
Reward: 50 Ataraxia dollars

Event: First to receive a Combat pet
Reward: 50 Ataraxia dollars

Event: First to receive a Max cape
Reward: $100 or 150 Ataraxia dollars

Event: First to receive a Completionist cape
Reward: $200 or 300 Ataraxia dollars

Event: First to receive a Completionist cape (t)
Reward: $250 or 500 Ataraxia dollars

Event: First person to permanently die with a total level of 250+/500+/1000+/1500+
Reward: 25 Ataraxia dollars (meaning a total allocation of $100)

Event: First person to permanently die with a total level of 2000+
Reward: $50 or 100 Ataraxia dollars

Event: First person to permanently die with a total level of 2500+
Reward: $100 or 150 Ataraxia dollars

Event: First person to achieve max cape and then permanently die
Reward: $150 or 250 Ataraxia dollars and a Christmas cracker

Event: The player who features at #1 in the Hardcore Realist Top 10 a week following the Update release
Reward: 250 Ataraxia dollars and a Christmas cracker

There is a total prize pool of over $5,000 up for grabs.

While it may seem like the events rewarding you for deleting your account are unhealthy, these events aren't encouraged to "strive" for.

It is instead perhaps a silver lining of losing your account and a bit of encouragement to not just skill for the entirety of your HC Realist account (Ryan).


[+] Discount Codes

- I'm hoping to see a lot of new players jump on Ataraxia for this launch! 
- To celebrate such a monumental update, we're going to drop some codes throughout the launch
- There will be a 15% discount for the next week:


- Enter this Discount code in this box:


- As Ataraxia Premier Club members have a permanent 10% discount, this will be boosted to 20% for the duration of the above code (they can access this code in their private discord channel)
- There'll be flash sales throughout the launch giving massive discounts! Keep an eye out, they won't last long when they hit.


[+] Bug Fixes

- Fixed players with 'Skilling star' perk tree perk being able to unlimitedly throw Protean logs on a fire
- Fixed Fight caves not working for non-donors
- Fixed Keepsake keys granting $3 donor total when they cost $2
- Fixed "no charges remaining" quick teleport message still showing for GM players
- Fixed grandmaster members still having to pay for PI
- Fixed Soulgazer's charm drop showing as Hexhunter bow in the Discord news
- Fixed being able to unlimitedly fish if you have 1 slot available and fish a guaranteed 2 or 3 fish
- Fixed eastern Dagannoths not having drops
- Fixed Master runecrafter outfit equip requirements
- Fixed costume box on Cursed spring not working
- Fixed message about aura showing even without an aura at Cursed spring
- Fixed Skilling champion title not working even if you are the Skilling champion
- Fixed Gemstone dragon droprates on Slayer task
- Fixed Gordie pet being lost if you get him in Dungeoneering (he will now auto-claim)
- Fixed floating staircase in Falador
- Fixed Crystal triskelion from Travelling merchant not working
- Fixed Magic secateurs not working if they were added to your toolbelt
- Fixed noted custom rares still converting to 2 Rare item tokens no matter the amount of items
- Fixed Fungal spore soup and Fungal algae soup ids being mixed up
- Fixed being able to get duplicate Cresbot drops
- Fixed Grandmasters still having 60 max Protean traps
- Fixed farming Fruit trees with a full inventory deleting the produce
- Fixed Slayer task teleport for Revenants
- Fixed Slayer task teleport for Aquanites
- Fixed Oak and Maple shieldbow (u) being assigned 5 levels too early from Skilling contracts
- Fixed off-hand death lotus dart being tradeable
- Fixed event enjoyer options for reduced damage
- Fixed event enjoyer "no" option
- Fixed Halloween tokens being the wrong date
- Fixed auto-claiming stars/lamps giving the incorrect amount of experience



[+] Tl;dr


TL;DR - Update 60

General Changes: 
  - New trading for upgrade gem, easier access to updated rules/commands via Discord, buffs to Grandmasters, new item examination features, improved clue scroll rewards, and more efficient Skilling contract boosts.
  - Combat level requirements added to Reaper tasks, new player benefits like Reaper portal uses, and buffed Silverhawk charge scaling for donor ranks.
  - Buffs for various items, abilities, and clue scroll rates for higher donor levels. 
  - Major rebalancing for skills and combat mechanics (Bladed dive, Surge Escape, etc.). 

Revision 936: 
  - Significant content update, adding two years of new features up to August 2024, including Necromancy bosses, new mining and smithing levels, dyes, and much more. 
  - Major improvements to the Grand Exchange and Trade systems, now allowing transactions up to 2.1 quintillion coins. 
  - Mobile client updates for smoother play on Android.

Sanctum of Rebirth: 
  - New boss dungeon with 3 bosses (Vermyx, Kezalam, Nakatra). Features both normal and hard modes, with different mechanics and rewards.
  - Rewards include powerful new items like the Roar of Awakening and Ode to Deceit weapons, new T95 dual-wield magic weapons, and Shard of Genesis Essence for upgrading equipment to T100.

110 Mining and Smithing: 
  - Max levels increased to 110 for Mining and Smithing with new ores and armor/weapons. New best-in-slot pickaxe available through a challenging process.

Halloween Event & Hardcore Realist Mode: 
  - Halloween event returns with cosmetic rewards and titles. 
  - Hardcore Realist Mode introduces an ultra-challenging 1x experience rate with multiple restrictions, with significant rewards for top players.

Bug Fixes: 
  - Numerous fixes across gameplay mechanics, ranging from combat, skilling, and interface bugs.

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